Știați că: Ziua mediului a fost sărbătorită pentru prima dată în cinci iunie 1972 în cadrul convenției de la Stockholm.…
Richard McElhaney and Cameron Boots discuss the challenges of crossing the technology bridge when it comes to safety As a…
Operators balance numerous practices to perform work safely As it should, safety superseded speed during the forklift rodeo portion of…
It’s fairly obvious that safety and health hazards can exist on worksites filled with heavy machinery and equipment, where employees…
Samsung is taking on the world of work via three new integrations with its Gear smartwatches. SoloProtect uses the Samsung Gear S3 to…
Washington – NIOSH has launched a software platform designed to chart emergency responder and recovery worker safety and health before,…
Real-time tracking and detection devices, wearable gadgets aimed to save lives SINGAPORE — Using a series of cameras, coupled with…
Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance, Daiichi Kotsu Sangyo and Accenture are collaborating to build a deep learning algorithm to better understand…
Paint the trains yellow, have a fire extinguisher on every train, ensure high-visibility clothing for employees and provide 4-hour weekly…
From doing a proper warm-up to loosen muscles, to wearing the right clothing, experts tell you what to do before…