Washington – OSHA has launched its annual summer campaign to remind employers and employees about the dangers of working outdoors in hot weather.
Extreme heat exposure is the leading cause of weather-related death, prompting more than 65,000 emergency room visits annually, according to OSHA. In 2014, 18 workers died from heat stroke or other heat-related causes.
Water. Rest. Shade. urges employers to help employees acclimatize to the heat, offering tips to help prevent heat-related illnesses and fatalities. They include:
- Drink water every 15 minutes.
- Take rest breaks in the shade to cool down.
- Wear a hat and light-colored clothing.
- Monitor fellow workers for any signs of problems.
NIOSH and OSHA recently teamed up to update a heat safety mobile app that uses temperature and humidity to measure heat index values while offering projected heat indices throughout the workday.